With subtle sound and tranquil silence, Resonant Silence Technique (RST)® calms the environment for those with dementia as it gently eases them into their own inner stillness for cognitive and symptom improvement.
People with dementia have a highly overactive mind and are hyper sensitive to stimulus. This makes them often painfully sensitive to the chaos within their own mind and the environments in which they live. A wildly overactive mind makes living with and in oneself extremely painful and at times intolerable. This is why people with dementia try to leave themselves as they attempt to distance themselves from their own consciousness. This leaving oneself can manifest as disassociation.
Folks with dementia also have a heightened sensitivity to the environments or to the external stimuli all around them. This makes living in the often noisy environments of skilled nursing facilities, memory care centers and hospitals extremely stressful. This is another reason why people with dementia shut down, trying desperately to leave the environments in which they live.
And this is why RST nurtures a calming atmosphere and a quiet mind; to make it safe for people with dementia to return to themselves and begin their process of healing.
Scientific studies show that sharing silence and subtle sound restores bodily equilibrium and reduces brain wave frequency while lowering blood pressure, heart and respiration rates.
When the body's equilibrium is restored and the mind is quieted a person with dementia feels it's safe again to return to themselves. They feel welcome inside themselves. And when they feel comfortable within themselves again, they return to their own consciousness or self awareness and recover their soul.
This is why RST stands at the intersection of science and spirituality. As RST helps the brain, consciousness and body to improve, people with dementia find their spirit again. And now, reunited with their spirit, their joy, enthusiasm and will to live returns. As people with dementia recover their spirit they become more and more fully present and begin to recognize others and show care and compassion for them.
RST endeavors to change the understanding of what those with dementia need in order to heal. One of RST's goals is to show how silence, quiet mind and subtle sound contributes to the relief and healing of those with dementia.
RST can also be used as a daily meditative practice for inner stillness, abiding peace and bliss.
DISCOVER STILLNESS WITH A FREE ON-LINE RST SESSION Experience the tranquility that RST brings. Please email Miriam to set up an RST session for you or your group.
Miriam Fein is the creator of Resonant Silence Technique (RST)®. She holds a Bachelor of Sacred Music (BSM) from The Jewish Theological Seminary and is a certified Cantor/Minister/Educator. She is a Certified Music Practitioner as well as a retired Clinical Musician for Hospice of the Northwest. More about Miriam Fein