Cantor Miriam Fein, BSM, Creator of Resonant Silence Technique
Miriam Fein is the creator of Resonant Silence Technique (RST).
Being a singer and drawn to silence for personal rest and renewal, Miriam experienced how restorative group silence can be.
Then, using gentle tones leading into periods of silence, she created Resonant Silence Technique (RST) for her group work with individuals with dementia.
Miriam holds a Bachelor of Comparative Religion from New York University (1972), a Bachelor of Sacred Music (BSM) from The Jewish Theological Seminary (1979) and is a certified Cantor/Minister/Educator. She is also a Certified Music Practitioner (CMP).
Wishing to deepen her understanding of the therapeutic nature of sound vibration on the body, she became a third level graduate of Acutonics (1999), an Acupuncture Sound Therapy program using tuning forks instead of needles on the acupuncture points.
She studied with and graduated from the Music for Healing and Transition Program (MHTP) as a Certified Music Practitioner (2001), trained to play and sing at the bedside in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and hospice.
In order to further her understanding of how subtle energy flows throughout the body and to learn how to nurture and tone this energy for optimum health and longevity, she completed a year-long course in Yi Ren Medical Qi Gong for Self Care with Yi Ren founder Dr. Guan-Cheng Sun, Ph.D. at Bastyr University (2013).
She is a singer, multi-instrumentalist, poet, composer and songwriter with two recordings, "Soul Calling" and "Come Beloved." She is also the author of an article on RST published on July 28th, 2018 in Dementia: the international journal of social research and practice.
Miriam lives in La Conner, Washington, with her beloved partner, Simme and their sweet kitties, Simba and Myrka.